by Tim Riley | Jun 27, 2022 | News
Politicians in the state of Texas have passed medical malpractice laws that woefully under-pay permanently injured victims. And the doctors and hospitals responsible for medical negligence continue their profit-making business with small financial penalties. Medical...
by Tim Riley | May 24, 2022 | News
Texas politicians have left horribly injured patients out in the cold by capping the financial awards in medical malpractice lawsuits. Who needs the money more, insurance companies or injured victims? There is no shortage of careless treatment, negligence, and medical...
by Tim Riley | Apr 11, 2022 | News
Driving a truck is not a glamorous profession. It is difficult and stressful. And its pay scale is low. The result is that new truck drivers are leaving the profession to find better jobs. There are plenty of drivers with commercial licenses, they just don’t...
by Tim Riley | Mar 29, 2022 | News
“In the United States there is a big truck wreck every 15 minutes that results in serious injury or death. Unfortunately truck manufacturers and trucking companies have the same myopic mentality that car manufacturers have had for decades – opposing new...
by Tim Riley | Mar 1, 2022 | News
“There is a reason trucking companies and the corporations that hire them are facing a tsunami of personal injury lawsuits,” stated Tim Riley, a truck accident attorney in Houston, Texas. “The primary reason is that they have not made Texas highway...